When we were kids growing in an old house in Haverhill, Mass., ET and I used to share a bedroom. It was a large room just over the first-floor kitchen, and in fact used to actually be a kitchen when the house was divided for two families. It had an old wooden refrigerator built into the wall - the kind that used to work with dry ice. It had kitchen cabinets, a countertop and sink. Best of all, it had its own back stairway and entrance. We used to have a blast in that room.
Last night was the first time I've slept in the same room with ET since those days. She had a restful night, and continues to sleep. Its unclear whether she's sleeping because of the anti-siezure medication or just as a result of the siezure itself. One thing is for sure - right now she just needs the rest.
Last night I kept thinking how much I wanted to go back to that room in Haverhill, Mass. I want to rewind this and erase it all. Sneak down that back staircase and go cause some trouble. She'd be up for it, I'm sure. Then she'd blame it all on me. Ha!
Throughout the day and night, there is such a parade of nurses coming in and out to adminster meds that I must admit I was a little leary of falling asleep in the hospital bed. I'm so skinny I could easily be mistaken for a long-term patient. So I pasted a sign on myself - NO SHOTS PLEASE!
Let's pray that ET gets her much-needed rest, and then wakes up refreshed to continue this fight.
Jim & Michael
Its a pleasure to get to know both
of you..You are both the best medicine for Lizabeth!! There is nothing like a brothers love..& you
guys showed that..When you're kids growing up you never think about the future..Its really the best time of your life & esp to remember all the times w/Lizabeth will give her the stength to fight & have many more good times together & now w/Michael & her new family..
If any person deserves a miracle, it is I will to continue to ask Blessed Kateri's intercession in her behalf..
love,Aunt Elaine
Jim - have you ever thought of getting a pedicure? hmmmmm
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