ET Phone - Home
I remember when Barbara was battling her cancer, I didn't call her as often as I'd have liked. Sometimes, its just difficult to know when to call, or what to say, even when you're as close as brother and sister. Then, when I'd finally make the call, nine times out of ten it would be bad timing, or she'd not answer because she was not feeling well or in treatment or sleeping and had turned her phone off. After a while, I got into the habit of leaving voice messages that far exceeded anything I could have said person-to-person.
With ET, its virtually impossible to call her - even if you could get the timing right, she simply can't work a telephone on her own.
So I got to thinking, wouldn't it be great to have a number that you could call, and you'd be guaranteed that you'd get an answering machine instead of someone picking up the phone and taking a message?
Well, we've got that answering machine. Just dial this toll-free number: 866-917-3843. You'll be prompted to leave a message, up to 2 minutes in length. The message will be podcast to ET's iPod, where she can listen to the messages whenever she's able, as often as she likes.
So call her up, and leave her a message. Say hi. Tell her a joke. Read her a quick story. Tell her you miss her, wish her well, tell her to get her !@#$ back to work - whatever. Even if you don't know ET that well, its a great opportunity to say hi or introduce yourself and let her know you are thinking about her.
The podcasts are private - only ET will get them. So call early, and call often! You don't have to say much - just say HI!
When you call, you will be prompted to leave a message up to two minutes in duration, and then press the pound (#) key to indicate the message is complete. At that point, you will have the following options:
To publish your message - press 1
To save your message and publish later - press 2
To listen to your message - press 3
To rerecord your message - press 4
Once you have published your message, it will be sent as a private podcast and uploaded to ET's iPod, hopefully within 24 hours. She can then listen to them whenever she likes, and as often as she likes.
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