Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday, 7/20

Today was a great day for Elizabeth. She was alert most of the day, sitting up and greeting visitors with her usual cheer. Her vision has returned, and she verified that I am still, indeed, her best looking brother. Younger brother.

After her radiation treatment at 3pm, she wanted to "go for a ride". So we had her transferred to a wheelchair, and we took her and her entourage (oxygen tank and IV cart) on several laps around the first floor.

Hey, the weekend's here! Two days with no radiation. I'm thinking she'll be partying all weekend, and pay dearly on Monday when its back to the grind.

ET will have 6 more treatments, and then they'll send her home. And that will be a great, great day - something to look forward to.



Anonymous said...


I'm so glad that you have the weekend off. I hope you have a really good one!! Each day is another step towards you being all better! Take care.



p.s. Josh and Kyle say Hi too!

21 Charles Street said...

Oh sure, I spend the week there and does anyone take a picture of me? What am I - chopped livah...

I love the pic - hey Elizabeth - you should be so scared with those two - he.he.he.
I'll be back soon!
Love and miss you all

Lizzard said...

To the girl with the same name....You keep on keepin on....and I will see you at the next family reunion...Uncle Jimmy's sounds GRRRRRReat to me, is it a date? I will bring the flowers!!!!!!! I love you woman. Love~Elizabeth "JR"