Monday, July 23, 2007

Are you feeling lucky, punk?

Don't mess with ET.

She's breathing better, and seems to be back on track. The new meds should be in for tomorrow, and we're looking forward to talking with her again as soon as she regains consciousness. But she's missed two days of supervising things that needed to get done - man, will she be pissed. Everybody better get ready to duck...



Anonymous said...

It's Tuesday, 24July, 0700. I was awakened by the nurse at 0500 as she came in for a med check and to reposition ET. I got up to wash out her mouth and talk with her, only this time her eyes opened wide and she was responding much more. She actually answered "yes" and said "really" several times. She said she could see clearly. She was awake for about an hour and drank some water from a sponge. She is still very tired and wanted to sleep some more. It's looking to be a better day already!

Brother Mikey

Jim Chandler said...

Mike - that's awesome. I'm so glad you guys are there with her...

Anonymous said...

It is 1500 on 24July...thats 3pm for you non-mil types. ET is awake but in and out of sleep. Whenever I move around the room her eyes follow me even though they are half closed. She had said she can see me fine, even without the patch over one eye. The doc was encouraged by this too. We all agree her eyes look better. Doc said it tells him there is neurological improvement. She was able to eat lemon ice twice this afternoon. Just a few spoonfuls along with some water on a sponge. I know there will be ups and downs but these are definite ups.

Doc said he wants to give her one more day to see improvement before deciding the next action. She is off the sedation meds and has had pain only when she is moved. She has refused pushing the pain button each time so it has been managable for her. Doc is specifically looking for no more siezures and her being able to swallow a pill if needed. So we should know more tommorow and now you know what to pray for.

This is my last day with ET. I will be sad to go but what a priveledge to be here for the last week. I spent some time praying with her and she was responding to the things I was saying to her. She has been able to speak one word sentences.

I want to take the opportunity here to say thank you for all your support to ET. None of this would have been possible without the network of family and friends that have been here for her...especially those who have committed Elizabeth to God in prayer. There is no greater priviledge that to pray.

May God's will be done soon...

Brother Mikey