Beautiful inside and out
In my four days in Syracuse, the one thing I kept hearing is how many people Elizabeth has touched. She is so loved by everyone in her circle. It doesn't surprise me because in every way imaginable she's one of the most beautiful people I know.
Thanks to Candy of SPG for dropping off photos from ET's cubicle. The photograph of Barbara and Elizabeth above is maybe 15 years old - a picture of health. There is no accounting for things. I'm ugly, reclusive, don't exercise enough, smoke cigars and drink too much - I'm beginning to think my chances are pretty good.
Today's CAT scan verified that the siezure did not cause any hemorrhaging of the brain, which was good news. But the "good" part stops there - ET had a lousy day. Although she did become more responsive, she's begun having difficulty breathing, and the outlook is not a good one. Basically, the cancer is affecting her body's ability to perform normal functions, including breathing.
The doctors are changing her siezure medication to increase her chances of regaining consciousness. And they are doing everything possible to make her comfortable. Radiation has stopped for now, until things stabilize.
At this point, we pray for miracles.
ET, I'm so glad that I got to see you this weekend. You are a very strong person and I admire you for that. I say a prayer for you everyday that you will keep the faith that God will heal you. Just remember how much God loves you when things get rough and how much we all love you as well.
Love and miss you,
I remember when this picture was taken. Back when the word 'glamore shots' weren't even heard of - Leslie, and I, Barbara and ET all went to a photographer in Dover, NH to have pictures taken that were correographed by us - we brought a ton of outfits, boas and fur coats, satin and lace, cheese and crackers, lots of wine. What a hoot - we had so much fun.
ET, you truly are beautiful inside and out. I am grateful to be among your circle. My prayers and thoughts are with you every moment. You are such a giving person, thoughtful of others before yourself. I will always be touched that when you were in the hospital in January that you came up the elevator to visit me after I had my baby. It meant a lot to me that even though you were sick, that you still thought about me. Stay strong!
Much love,
Dawn Wood (and Hannah and Mike!)
I went to a professional photographer once. Talk about praying for miracles. He said I'd be better off hiring an artist...
My boa would have done wonders for you Jim - on second thought the Fedora and 38 would have been better.
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