Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Nurse Mary

Wed, 15 August, 2007 (Day 2 @ home)

Mom is so happy to finally be back home again. In addition to visits by several close friends today, we had a surprise visit from Mom's close friend "Nurse Mary", who until yesterday, was relatively unknown to any of us. We thought that she was only acting, but found out later that she really is a nurse who acts for a mortgage broker company during the daytime in order to maintain professional privacy.
Mom also had a very special visit yesterday from Chaplain David Pasinski. A wondlerful man who is the Senior Chaplain from the local Hospice Care Organization. We are so blessed to have him on our team.
Austin/uncle Bobby


Jim Chandler said...

Austin - you're doing a great job keeping us all updated. You're a good writer - you should start your own blog so we can keep up with your daily activities.

--uncle jimmy

Anonymous said...

Mary's husband Mark said she is getting to be like the "Chandlers" and he scared.....:)


Jim Chandler said...

Ok, Mary's even starting to scare me. Too funny...