A blog ends, a journey begins...
Today we celebrated ET's life, said our final goodbyes, and let her go. It was said at her service that her "journey" was never about her illness, but always about her faith. That could not be more true. She had strong faith and an unwavering value structure, and she lived her life true to those beliefs. And now her faith has set her on an eternal path, and thus, her journey begins. We are all of us on our own journey, but Elizabeth will be there with us, in our hearts, every step of the way.
I cannot express how grateful I am, and how blessed I feel, to be a part of such a wonderful family. Its been very difficult to lose two cherished sisters in just 10 months, but we've grown stronger and closer as a result. And we all wish to express our heartfelt appreciation for the love and support that this extended community has provided to us. You've all helped ease the pain of this difficult period.
I have plans for only two more blog entries: one to post a link to the slideshow presented today at ET's reception, and one for Rachael's PanCan run. Until then, I thank you all and wish you the very best on your journey.
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