Wednesday, August 8, 2007


As Elizabeth and I were talking this morning about ideas to use on this blog today I swear the third bear from the left started to wave it's hand in the air. I'm not kidding. That one right there with the brown nose that's looking right at the camera. Next thing we know all the bears were waving their hands. "OK, OK", Elizabeth and I said, "we can take a hint". Seriously though these loving characters are taking such great care of Elizabeth. Everyone that comes into the room smiles when they see them. They've been lined up on the wall next to the left side of Elizabeth's bed since she came into the hospital. Sometimes one of them goes for a ride with her if she has to leave the room. The two little monkeys in the front are from her nephews Kyle and Josh. How cool is it that these boys actually gave up their favorite stuffed animals for Aunt Elizabeth.

Elizabeth has had a quiet day. Still eating very well but more tired today. Her breathing is a little more labored than yesterday which could be from being so tired. So right now she is napping comfortably and I'm typing away. We're looking forward to her friend Mary coming to visit this afternoon with our new supply of Hagen Daaz Vanilla Bean ice cream. A pint for Elizabeth and a pint for me. Doesn't get any better!

Once again from downtown Syracuse




Jim Chandler said...

I'll bring some awesome peaches this weekend....

Jim Chandler said...

...and some cigars

Brother Mikey said...

I'll eat some of Nadia's homemade raspberry/blueberry/blackberry pie and wish I had some of your Daas to go wid it...know what I'm say'in?

21 Charles Street said...

I'll be cleaning cottages :(