Thursday, August 16, 2007

Team Chandler - PMC Ride a success!

Thanks to the spirit and dedication of Tim Smith, Caitlin Moore and Jeff Moore, Team Chandler has raised more than eight thousand dollars for cancer research through the Dana Farber Institute. Thanks so much guys!

Letter from Tim Smith:

August 15, 2007

Dear Friends and Supporters -

What can I say, but Wow! 5000 cyclists and 2500 volunteers came together for 2 days. Our mission: to raise funds and help those suffering from cancer's devastating effects. How did we do? To date my overall fund raising goal including pledges, stands at over eight thousand dollars - a worthy and humble contribution towards the PMC goal of 28 million.

There were many wonderful memories made in two days. Besides the typical sore legs and a few hot spots from the saddle, no injuries to report. The opening ceremonies on Friday night tugged at the heart strings of everyone attending - poignantly sending the message that the work we are doing is important AND is making a difference. Saturdays ride was hot, hot, hot, and I readily admit that discretion was the better part of valor as I covered the first 60 miles at a moderate pace.

The last 40 miles were spent with a fellow rider - taking turns facing the wind and urging each other to push ahead. Day two brought cooler weather and, as promised - I "rode my ass off" - taking the lead in many pace lines and enduring some of the physical pain that brings with it a sense of accomplishment and cathartic connection with those facing the far greater challenge of enduring cancer.

Many of the riders I will never see again - but for two days, we were a unified team pulling together for a common goal. The cheering stations along the route, particularly the children extending their hands for high-fives were a constant reminder that all of us benefit from support and encouragement in whatever endeavors we pursue.

Reflecting on the weekend journey three things come to mind. First, I feel incredibly honored to have so many wonderful friends, family, and colleagues who emotionally support me and financially give to this important cause! With over $8,000 raised we are closing in on the $10,000 goal! Second I am so very proud of Elizabeth Tillery who inspired me to ride and has been incredibly strong, courageous, and optimistic as she faces her own journey. Third, as much as I like the idea of taking a break from training, I'm thrilled to say I am committing to ride again in 2008 and would love to bring more people along. So please contact me if you or someone you know is interested! And if cycling for a weekend in August isn't your cup of tea, no worries, I'll still need lots of donors and volunteer opportunities with this extraordinary event abound.

I come away from this weekend with a renewed trust and optimism in the human spirit.

Thank-you for your generous support!

Yours Truly,


Contributions can be made until October 1 at the following link:


Anonymous said...

I read Elizabeth this letter to Elizabeth and she was elated. What a smile it brought to her face! She wispered, thank you.....

God bless Team Chandler!
