I'm back! Big sister, (hmmm, now that didn't sound too good), ok then how about older sister, (nope, that doesn't work for me), so let's just say that other sister - the one from Maine is back and relieving Jody, et al. I'm staying at the hospital with Elizabeth. The picture I've posted is of her 'wall' - this is what she looks at every moment she is awake. It is filled with cards of encouragement and love from family, friends, community members, and oh yeah, from the Red Sox owner :) There are pictures of her family at all stages of their lives and smack dab in the middle is the framed picture of her at the finish line of her 2005 Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC. People at the hospital have told me that they love peeking in this room because it is so interesting and cozy. Elizabeth loves to have her Red Sox blanket displayed on her bed - yep, right here in Yankee Land - her eyes sparkle mischievously as each person comments on the blanket and the rivalry of the teams. After they finish with their comments she zaps them with the existence of the signed baseball. Oh baby, oh baby, how she enjoys that one!
Elizabeth's radiation is completed. She had a very restful night and is doing well so far today. Her appetite is voracious and the motto of the day is: why not eat dessert first! The goal now is to keep her stabilized and comfortable so that she can go home. At this point it might take a couple of U-Haul trucks to move her out of here but everyone is working towards making her wish come true very soon.
Keeping you posted from downtown Syracuse...
The Other Sister
Awesome sis! I'm glad we have someone with technical know-how in the room. Uh... not that Jody doesn't. You know...
...but she doesn't.
Speaking of technically challenged... Can you help me upload your ipod music to my computer while I'm here at the hospital? Email me or call me - k?
Patsy Doodle
Patsy what???
Hey Jim, that would make a good storefront display...I tell you whhhaaat!
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